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New quick exercise method that produces good results

By David Coory

Sports researchers now claim a breakthrough that will give you the same results of about 2 hours of vigorous aerobic exercise in just 16 minutes. It’s also claimed to improve your health far more than ordinary aerobic exercise, and that for 2 hours afterwards, your body actually produces youthful growth hormone, at any age, provided you avoid sugar, during this recovery period. (Growth hormone helps you lose fat and gain muscle.)

I have been doing this type of exercise three times a week for five months now, using my exercycle, lifting weights or other heart rate increasing exercises.

It’s not as easy as it sounds, here is what you have to do:

  1. Choose an exercise that uses the major muscles of the body and will increase your heart rate rapidly, such as sprinting, hill running, hill cycling, tread mill, recumbent bike, weight lifting, or crouching down and kicking out both legs, etc.
  2. Obtain a clock or watch with a second sweep hand.
  3. After a short warm up, do your chosen exercise to the maximum of your capacity for 30 seconds, then rest for minute and a half. If you can do the exercise for 45 seconds you are not working hard enough. You must totally exhaust yourself and tire your muscles and be puffed out in 30 seconds.
  4. Repeat the same exercise pattern a further 7 times. That is, maximum effort 30 seconds, rest 90 seconds. then repeat – 8 times in total.
  5. Using your clock or watch, begin each 30 second exercise on the dot of every second minute. After 8 repeats your clock should show that 16 minutes has expired.

You have now completed your exercise for the day and should be perspiring.